Borderlands 2 enable console
Borderlands 2 enable console

borderlands 2 enable console borderlands 2 enable console

Now save the file and exit from the text editor. When you get done you should have something like this (if you added both lines above): So be careful what keys you pick here to make sure that there isn’t something already bound to that key in the game’s “Key Binding” screen in the “Keyboard / Mouse” Options menu. NOTE: You can use other keys instead of ‘Tilde’ or ‘Backslash’ but keep in mind that if you use any key that is also used by a function in game (for example, W, A, S, or D), those keys will activate the console instead of executing the proper function in the game and you can get into a situation where the game will not allow you to continue (for example Training dialogs that wait for the ‘Enter’ key to be pressed). The single line console window will automatically close itself when you hit Enter after typing in a console command (this prevents the console window from being captured in screenshots generated from the console window).

borderlands 2 enable console

This will use the backslash key ‘’ (the key between the Enter key and the Backspace key on QWERTY keyboards) for the single line console window. Do this by adding following line (just below the “ConsoleKey=” line): You might also want to enable the “single line console command window” (useful when turning off the HUD and taking screenshots). This will use the Tilde ‘~’ key (the key above the Tab key and to the left of the 1 key on QWERTY keyboards) to pull down the console window so that you can enter console commands. Find the “” section and add the following line right after it: In that folder you will see a “DefaultInput.ini” file, open that file in a text editor (like Notepad). Open Windows Explorer and browse to the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config” folder. Run the game at least once, create a character in the game, exit and save your game, then exit the game from the main menu. To enable the command console window in the game, you will need to edit the DefaultInput.ini file used by the game. Here’s how to enable the console on the PC version of the game and some console commands that you can use: I’m porting it over here so we don’t lose it. This was originally posted by Botman over on the old forums.

Borderlands 2 enable console